
34SP.com is a WordPress hosting provider based in Manchester, UK. Focused on exceptional service and support, their entire support team is trained in house, operating out of their UK office, 365 days a year. Founded in 2000, 34SP.com has been hosting WordPress websites since WordPress launched in 2003.

Their current managed WordPress hosting platform delivers staging functionality, one click site snapshot and restores, unlimited page views and traffic, and free, one click Let’s Encrypt SSL installation – all for under just 35p per day.

34SP.com is a keen supporter and sponsor of both WordPress and local WordCamps, and a strong advocate of the open source movement.

Check out this video testimonial from one of 34SP.com’s clients, MAN v FAT. Their WordPress website is delivered to hundreds of thousands of users – staying online even during big traffic spikes resulting from intense media coverage.

WordCamp Dublin 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!